Services for Non-Profit Organizations
Today’s political and economic climate presents many challenges for Non-Profit organizations. Our Advisors are very aware of these challenges and uniquely equipped to guide organizations forward through these difficult times. Synergy provides a multi-faceted approach geared toward minimizing current expenses, optimizing employee retention, improving current cash flow, and working towards building a funding base for the future. Some of the services we provide…
Endowment Management
Difficult economic environments coupled with the rapidly increasing number of Non-Profit chasing the same charitable dollars, means that organizations are more dependent on large gifts from their most devoted supporters. These gifts are more likely to be given as bequests than as outright gifts.
Fiduciary Audits
"Society depends upon professionals to provide reliable fixed standards in situations where the facts are murky or the temptations too strong. Their principal contribution is an ability to bring sound judgment to bear on these situations. They represent the best a particular community is able to muster in response to new challenges." Dr. Robert Kennedy
With Sarbanes-Oxley, more stringent IRS regulations, more complex Form 990's, and potential fallout from the Bernie Madoff fiasco, non-profit organizations are facing greater scrutiny than ever. It is becoming increasingly vital that Board Members take the proper steps to ensure that they are not only fulfilling their fiduciary obligations, but pursuing a state of "fiduciary excellence". This proves vital in attracting and retaining a donor base, the lifeblood of most non-profit organizations.
Synergy Wealth Strategies, along with our affiliates, can guide the organizations leadership toward this path of "fiduciary excellence" through an in-depth analysis of an organization's policies and procedures to ensure that they are in compliance with accepted standards. We will examine things such as Investment Policy Statements, procedures for selecting and reviewing investments, and the standards by which they are measured. Certifications are available.
Planned Giving
Difficult economic environments coupled with the rapidly increasing number of Non-Profit chasing the same charitable dollars, means that organizations are more dependent on large gifts from their most devoted supporters. These gifts are more likely to be given as bequests than as outright gifts. In light of this, it is imperative that non-profit organizations implement and coordinate campaigns to educate donors and facilitate the giving process.
Planned Giving is a long term commitment, but one that once firmly established can provide a constant stream of funds for fortunate organizations.
Donor Education Seminars
Synergy Wealth Strategies offers a series of Donor Education Seminars, often presented as a panel discussion with an Estate Planning Attorney and CPA. These educational presentations are designed to educate an organization's donor base on the various options available to them as donor.
It also educates them on how to maximize their donations with respect to the overall benefit to the charities, as well as the tax benefits to themselves and their heirs. For example, several techniques will allow donors to increase their charitable bequests without diminishing their family inheritance. Our seminars address these and other important issues in an educational format.
Cash Management
Our Advisors can help devise a plan to maximize returns for your short and mid-term cash needs.
Portfolio Management
In order to provide the most accurate analysis of an individuals financial situation, it is imperative that both sides of the Balance Sheet are analyzed including assets and liabilities. Our Advisors through their affiliation with Osaic, use in-depthexpertis on all current lending issues and can help guide you to qualified lenders.
Employee Retirement Plans
The different plans available and frequent Legislative changes present a complex obstacle for business owners. Our Advisors are trained to use this to your advantage. In conjunction with our Retirement Support Specialists, we can help select the plan that best meets the needs of your business. We are considerate of the desire to maximize funding while minimizing costs, the need to educate employees, and the need to protect the interests of the business by limiting liability.
At Synergy Wealth Strategies, we believe that creating a plan is the beginning of a long term relationship. We strive to provide the highest levels of service by keeping the employers informed, employees educated, and making sure that the plan is current with the frequent legislative changes and remains the best vehicle for the business.
Identifying and maintaining the proper plan is only half of the battle. At Synergy, our Advisors are well qualified to guide you through the next important piece of the puzzle: investments. Please see our section regarding Portfolio Management for more information on how Synergy Wealth Strategies can help manage your portfolio.
Health Insurance and Employee Benefits
Employee benefits are one of the fasting growing expenses facing business owners today. Synergy Wealth Strategies offers a full suite of group benefits products including Health, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance, Disability Insurance, Long Term Care Insurance, Health Savings Accounts (HSA's), Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA's), and Qualified and Non Qualified Retirement Plans. Our advisors can help select the plan that is right for your business and examine ways to keep the costs associated with the provision of these benefits manageable.
At Synergy Wealth Strategies, we believe that putting the plan in place is the beginning of the relationship, not the end result. We strive to provide the highest levels of service by keeping employers informed, employees educated, and making sure that the plan is up to date with the frequent Legislative changes and remains the best vehicle for the business.